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Fishing and camping in Оренбурге
Diktos, магазин подавителей сотовой связи металлодетекторов
камеры слежения, фотоловушки, лесные камеры, камеры слежения за животными
phone: +7 (3532) 92-66-
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Дача, база отдыха
Resorts, recreation and retreat centers, Rest without problems, Fishing and camping
phone: +7 22-55-
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Теремок, база отдыха
Resorts, recreation and retreat centers, Fishing and camping, Recreation facilities
phone: +7 (3532) 77-02-
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Тихий берег, VIP комплекс для отдыха и рыбалки
Resorts, recreation and retreat centers, Camping, Fishing and camping, Baths, saunas, Yachts, boats, motorboats rental
phone: +7 (3532) 55-04-
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Майорка, комплекс отдыха
Resorts, recreation and retreat centers, Rest without problems, Fishing and camping
phone: +7 (3532) +7-922-881-00-
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Урал, яхт-клуб
Resorts, recreation and retreat centers, Rest without problems, Fishing and camping, Baths, saunas
phone: +7 (3532) 22-03-
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369804236, 936686001, 2142910712, 1362689822, 906611689, 736481484